Every Defence Case Review
A selection of legal cases, both ours and other attorneys’, demonstrating the successful use of defences against criminal charges.
With over 25 years experience, Norm and Marcus have successfully defended hundreds of fraud cases. Accomplished trial lawyers, Marcus and Norm will carefully assess your case and argue for every defence available to you, including defences under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Charges DismissedConsumption After Operation CeasedImpaired DrivingOur Case
R. v. J.E. — Impaired Driving Causing Bodily Harm Charges Dismissed by Judge
Our client was charged with impaired driving cause bodily harm. He was driving in downtown Toronto just before last call when a pedestrian suddenly ran out onto the street to try to catch a taxi. Our client was unable to stop his car in time and struck the pedestrian causing serious (but fortunately non-life threatening) injuries. At trial, our client testified that he was a recovering cocaine addict and that late at night, he got
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Charter ApplicationCharter ApplicationOur CaseSearch Warrant
R. v. A.F — Drug Trafficking Charges Withdrawn
Our client was charged with possession of cocaine for the purpose of trafficking. Police executed a search warrant at our client’s residence and seized a large amount of cocaine as well as cutting agents, scales, baggies and cash. We filed a Charter application alleging breaches of our client’s rights to counsel, his right to be free from unreasonable search and seizure and his right to be free from arbitrary detention. After reviewing our Charter application,
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Charges WithdrawnFirearmsOur CaseTrafficking Drugs
R. v. T.B. — Cocaine Trafficking and Gun Charges Withdrawn
Our client was charged with possession of cocaine for the purpose of trafficking and possession of explosives and a restricted firearm with ammunition. Police received a complaint from a man who alleged that he had just been in a fight with our client in front of our client’s house and that our client said he was going inside to get a gun. Because the complaint involved a firearm, more than a dozen police officers immediately
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Charges WithdrawnImpaired DrivingNo Criminal RecordOur Case
R. v. S.R. — Impaired Driving Charges Withdrawn and No Criminal Record
Our client, who was an off-duty police officer, was pulled over by police after someone called 911 to report an erratic driver on the highway. The arresting officer claimed that he then observed our client driving at a hight rate of speed while weaving back and forth. Our client was pulled over, arrested and taken to a police station where he blew more than twice the legal limit. He was charged with impaired driving and
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Charges DismissedImpaired DrivingOur Case
R. v. D.P. — Impaired Driving Charges Dismissed after Driving into Hydro Pole
Our client drove his pick up truck into a hydro pole located on the sidewalk of a busy street in downtown Toronto. A security guard approached the truck and saw that our client was asleep behind the wheel. Police were called and had to bang on the driver’s side window to wake our client up. After speaking with our client, police charged him with impaired driving and brought him to the police station to provide
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Charges DismissedImpaired DrivingOur CaseOver 80
R. v. S.L. — Impaired Driving and Over 80 Charges Dismissed
Our client was involved in an accident on Highway 401 as a result of sideswiping another car. A police officer arrived a few minutes later and after speaking to the occupants of the other vehicle, he arrested our client for impaired driving. Our client was taken to a police station to give breath samples and blew over the legal limit. She was charged with impaired driving and over 80. At trial, through effective cross-examination, we
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